Grant Recipients


Current Grant Recipient: Bachrun LoMele
Burn Pile / A pair of pajamas Cathy ripped in half; 2021; print installation

Bachrum LoMele’s expansive practice includes everything from socially interactive installations to printmaking to sculptural and two-dimensional works involving innovative uses of paper and drawing. In LoMele’s immersive project, Burn Pile, he collaborates with the public by inviting individuals to donate “truths” that become interwoven in various ways into a heap of wood-like fragments and domestic artifacts fabricated by the artist. In Understory, he creates mesmerizing abstract compositions with layered, woodgrain-like patterns that feel like languages in themselves. The overlapping themes in LoMele’s work of multiple narratives coming together, whether literal words or patterns, feels timely in our current moment.
— Juror Nicole Irene Anderson

Past Grant Recipients